Stange things that I have seen in the last week

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Re: Stange things that I have seen in the last week

by Visitor » Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:44 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

great idea, if if big mouth for yapping includes a big appetite I've no doubt this dog can make some piles... too lazy to log, everything got erased and forgot the earth satellite address so I'm happy those got posted.


Re: Stange things that I have seen in the last week

by hellifiknow » Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:33 am


Thats it!...I should slip her that movie and see if the light comes on. :lol:

Re: Stange things that I have seen in the last week

by hellifiknow » Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:28 am

I just about left a pile of doo in the middle of a intersection on the way back from walking the kids to school this am, Thank God for good brakes...I think it scared the guy in the truck almost as bad as it did me. 8-O :lol:

Re: Stange things that I have seen in the last week

by bcddjjsc690 » Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:58 am


Kinda like the scene in the beginning of 'Next Friday' , with the chihuahua in the front yard ,

and the steamy pile that is left looks like a Great Dane was there .

And of course John Witherspoon has to fall in it

Re: Stange things that I have seen in the last week

by tis2flyyy » Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:08 pm

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Ypur azz is cra-razy!

Re: Stange things that I have seen in the last week

by hellifiknow » Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:14 am

We are watching it out the window right now...The eldery neighbor lady straight behind us has a chihuahua or a poodle, I've never seen it because it stays inside and only hear it yapping after she lets it out to do its business and it wants back in....the neighbor beside her has a big pit bull or whatever (one of those dogs that supposedly make sissys tough) but he's a real nice dog, around here everybodys yards are connected by wide, flat topped stone fences and this big dog has learned how to jump up on the fence and walk around on the top of it, the side sections are about 3 foot high but the back sections are about 5 foot high and on several occasions I've looked up from the garden to see this big brindle bastard staring at me from the top of the fence pretending he's a mountain lion or whatever he's doing....anyway, I noticed a few days ago that he also does this sometimes when he has to take a crap, he'll jump up on the short section of fence and walk around to the lady with the chihuahua/poodles side and jump down in her yard and take a shit then jump back up on the fence and go home.

So I'm wondering what does this lady with the little dog think everytime she goes outside to clean up her dogs poop and see's those giant piles left by the other dog? ;p

Re: Stange things that I have seen in the last week

by tis2flyyy » Mon Jul 17, 2006 2:48 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yep, that would explain things!

Re: Stange things that I have seen in the last week

by Murphdogg » Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:58 am

tis2flyyy, oh hell no, I only did it once..just once..after we were married..I guess the lack of me doing that explains the divorce

Re: Stange things that I have seen in the last week

by tis2flyyy » Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:23 am


This was not starnge but something I saw that I want to note.

I went to a B-day party last night. The guest of honor is 88 years old! He partied like it was 1999! I promise you. LONG after my feet were hurting and I was WAY ready to go home - his ass was still going like the energizer bunny! Then he leaned over and kissed his wife and told her "Honey, I am gonna get me some tonight!". We all laughed! I believe him!

Re: Stange things that I have seen in the last week

by Momof5 » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:06 am

Strangest thing I have seem this week.. umm.. Dookie-Dick on a stick!!!

So Nassy 8-o
