He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

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Re: He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

by Gareth » Sun Feb 29, 2004 6:05 am


i dunno if everyone here has seen this... but amazing how good editing can sound so real...


gareth ]:o(

Re: He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

by Jennifer » Sun Feb 29, 2004 5:49 am

Truer words were never said, my man! He is a dangerous and scary and evil motherfucker.jlp

Re: He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

by austinredz29 » Sun Feb 29, 2004 4:23 am

yeah the bush family is liek the mafia of the american politics lol theyve been in some form of office for a while now and they have bee ntrying to get their agenda pushed for fuckign forever. you know if you follow the pattern in history everey civilization dies out usualy because they had a good ruler adn then the village idiot eventualy coems into office and brings down the whole thing......scary

Re: He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

by Gareth » Sat Feb 28, 2004 10:51 pm


wait... really? :D


Re: He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

by Jennifer » Sat Feb 28, 2004 6:00 pm

Ya breeze-since your mama's already in jail -who's gonna get u out? :lol:

Re: He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

by cbreez0101 » Sat Feb 28, 2004 5:26 pm


as i like to say, if bush wins, i'm killing EVERYBODY. ]:o( ]:o( ]:o( ]:o( ]:o(

Re: He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

by Gareth » Sat Feb 28, 2004 11:14 am


exactly. all these people complaining about the democratic candidates... gimme a effin break... you mean to tell me you would rather stick with the man who has destroyed our economy, destroyed our job market, and even destroyed american families in just four short years? my goodness...

retarded school children are more fit to run this country! at least they can say their own name...

the only good thing that has come from bush's term in office is the parodies, and political humor digging at him. but in no way makes up for his complete lack of competance.

message to all the kids... you too can be president. get coked up, and find yourself a rich dad. easier than good ol' american apple pie.


Re: He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

by Jennifer » Sat Feb 28, 2004 10:54 am

Your snappin is styin' and profilen'-cool-
the war in Irag was for Daddy! Bush sr. told junior-to go get him for Daddy and he did-that was the plan all along-and somehow convinced some people it had something to do with 911-Americans are just some dumb-ass motherfuckers at times, to swallow this horseshit! Open your eyes people and see the truth!!! Young men and women dieing so the old cronies can get richer!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

by Gareth » Sat Feb 28, 2004 7:08 am


lol! yeah... the only bush you can trust is your own...

...unless you buzz it off like me.

and what the hell is up with war in iraq? i thought we won the god damn thing. someone please explain to me why the hell gas costs $2.50 a gallon in L.A. right now? i bet you that bastard is barreling it up and selling it to us himself.

whatever happened to the good old days where people use to try and assassinate presidents. man, times have changed...


Re: He ain't dead but he sure is ugly...

by Jennifer » Sat Feb 28, 2004 6:49 am

Yeah Bush is blind-no vision at all of anything positive and constructive except to line the pockets of his family, friends and cronies. Scary-the only bush you can trust is your own!
Now he wants to discriminate against gay people, well it figures, now he can add discrimination to his list of achievements while he was pres. I love that Cheney has a gay daughter, always good to have some humiliating member of the family pull you into some reality! According to the polls and todays NY Times-even the ultra conservatives aren't hanging with Bushy on the Constitutional ammendment thing-let's kick this fucker to the curb!!!jlp and rp
