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Shaq calls out Kobe..

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:07 pm
by Murphdogg
in a free style rap..anybody hear it? the chorus was " does my ass taste". No joke. The question I have is..what is shaq worse at..acting..rapping or shooting free throws?.. he said he was better then Kareem in the rap which pissed me off..Kareem had a complete game and was a clutch shooter. he did it all. Best player ever.

Re: Shaq calls out Kobe..

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:13 pm
by tamra

yup it made the local news before making the national rounds. now Shaq says it was just a "joke". yeah, right! ;p he is getting a divorce, but a smart one - his wife pays him income! :lol:

Re: Shaq calls out Kobe..

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:04 pm
by Anditsdeeptoo

Today he was stripped of his honorary cop badges in Arizona because of that. A freestyle so bad, he lost a future job... wow....

Re: Shaq calls out Kobe..

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:59 pm
by robfharris

Yeah right it was a joke, you don't say "you're the reason why I'm getting a divorce" if you are joking.

What I'm more concerned about is when 'famous' people are going to figure out, we have video phones and we use them!

Re: Shaq calls out Kobe..

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:05 pm
by Anditsdeeptoo

I think Kobe did cause Shaq's divorce. I know if my girl caught me tasting ass she'd leave me too. Shaq made it very clear he was interested in Kobe's assesment of his ass flavor.

Re: Shaq calls out Kobe..

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:42 pm
by bingolong
man it's alot of hoopla for a freestyle....that was top of the dome right there...I am just happy that big dumb lug could actually make it rhyme :lol:

But seriously I got a text around 11:45 last night telling me to check for was dope it was just him going for it..let me give you the play-by-play..he had some hot lines....I know he did't mean the Kareem line b/c as soon as he said he changed the subject.....and as far as Kobe he had to hit that cause as soon as he said it the first time the crowd went wild...I'm telling you it's all spontaneous verbal improv and he came with some Hot lines even if Patrick Ewing and Kareem shouldn't have been mention it helped get the point across

Re: Shaq calls out Kobe..

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:13 pm
by tamra

:lol: LMFAO! damn was it that bad?!


forgot to answer your question: I'd say Shaq's acting is worse, worse than his free throws.

okay, don't laugh, and don't tell nobody, but I actually have one of Shaq's CD's from the 1990s - Respect. and I listened to it a few times. now it's in the back of CD collection, somewhere near Living Color and Color Me Bad

Re: Shaq calls out Kobe..

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:17 pm
by EddieHill
Murphdogg, Shaq sucks. He should be waved by Phoenix and be a cop out in the middle of Alaska until his ass dies. He had a chance to be the most dominate center ever but he would rather dance around like some queer Jennie yelling at fat kids in boot camp and doing every thing to make money outside of playing ball, instead of working on his game. If only he had the same work ethic as Carl Malone. He would have made it.

Re: Shaq calls out Kobe..

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:15 am
by Murphdogg
tamra, lol, I still like Shaq. But no way in hell is he better then Kareem. Kareem is still paying the price for being a man of principles and not kissing the media's ass when he was on top.

Re: Shaq calls out Kobe..

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:21 pm
by Anditsdeeptoo

Shaq's only skill was being the only fat man in the NBA that could actually run the floor. Take away him being 360 lbs and he's Yinka Dare


(I still have Shaq-FU, the Album) shhhhh don't tell anyone....