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Fuck Gene Wilder

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:18 am
by Jennifer
In Gene's new book, he trashes Richard!
He claims Richard was making demands, "when he was high" during this period when Gilda Radnor, Gene's wife at the time, had cancer and was seriously ill. She passed away in May 1989.
I was with Richard at this time; they were shooting "See no Evil, Hear no Evil" in New York---we were back together and I was also working with him...he was using sporadically. Here's what I find interesting...Gene claims Richard was making demands...I was on set much of the time and Richard was nothing but cooperative and fun. But here is the irony---of course, it was a difficult time for Gene because of his wife's illness but Richard was upset because of some of Gene's actions that certify him as a raging hypocrit! This really bothered Richard. Gene's role as a saint is less than perfect...his role is that of sanctimonious hypocrit...and believe me, Richard filled me in plenty!!! Yet he trashes Richard....go figure!They were never friends and this is tells the truth and the other doesn't know what the fuck it is...
Apparently Gene believes in trashing people when they are sick!!!

All the comics believe he rode in on Richard's coat-tails...he has a lot of nerve to knock he is our nominee and winner of the hypocrisy and medicority award!
YO GENE: When you're "Looking back with bitterness towards Richard Pryor", you should also be fucking grateful you had a good ride on those coattails!
And take a good look at yourself, while your at it...motherfucker! ]:o(